Software Skills-Secrets of The Office Guru, Microlearning Courses [25]

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Software Skills–Secrets of The Office Guru, Microlearning Courses

Microsoft Excel - Advanced Charts 11:34 Microsoft Excel - Advanced Charts
Microsoft Excel - Autocorrect 05:46 Microsoft Excel - Autocorrect
Microsoft Excel - Data Series 08:51 Microsoft Excel - Data Series
Microsoft Excel - Data Tables 07:48 Microsoft Excel - Data Tables
Microsoft Excel - Goal Seeking 02:59 Microsoft Excel - Goal Seeking
Microsoft Excel - Print Area 05:27 Microsoft Excel - Print Area
Microsoft Excel - Sorting and Filtering 11:51 Microsoft Excel - Sorting and Filtering
Microsoft Excel - Tables 12:34 Microsoft Excel - Tables
Power Up PowerPoint - Working With Backgrounds 05:07 Power Up PowerPoint - Working With Backgrounds
Power Up PowerPoint - Getting Free Images 13:18 Power Up PowerPoint - Getting Free Images
Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers 07:28 Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers
Microsoft PowerPoint - Hiding and Deleting 02:58 Microsoft PowerPoint - Hiding and Deleting
Microsoft PowerPoint - Photo Manipulation 03:39 Microsoft PowerPoint - Photo Manipulation
Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers From Video 14:20 Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers From Video
Microsoft PowerPoint - Sorting Slides 06:34 Microsoft PowerPoint - Sorting Slides
Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers Based On Bookmark 08:04 Microsoft PowerPoint - Animation Triggers Based On Bookmark
Microsoft Word - Applying Styles 05:43 Microsoft Word - Applying Styles
Microsoft Word - Merging and Splitting Cells 06:48 Microsoft Word - Merging and Splitting Cells
Microsoft Word - Quick Access Toolbar 02:52 Microsoft Word - Quick Access Toolbar
Microsoft Word - Selecting Text 06:49 Microsoft Word - Selecting Text
Microsoft Word - Smart Art 03:59 Microsoft Word - Smart Art
Microsoft Word - Templates 04:35 Microsoft Word - Templates
Microsoft Word - Text Effects 06:29 Microsoft Word - Text Effects
Microsoft Word - Themes and Styles 08:47 Microsoft Word - Themes and Styles
Microsoft Word - Wrap Around Graphics 12:53 Microsoft Word - Wrap Around Graphics


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